Play as a particle bouncing between soundwaves to the beat of funky fast paced tunes!
The player is given control of their vertical movement while their horizontal movement is fixed to the rhythm of the song.
BPM was made in a team of 3 over 6 weeks. The project was out of my comfort zone at first, with more of an emphasis on graphic design than illustration. With the help of some hand drawn concepts, team feedback, and Adobe Illustrator tutorials, I managed to learn a lot and make something I'm really happy with.

Iterating quickly was a skill I developed during BPM. Because of the projects short development period, it was important to be flexible.
Below you can see early concepts for the title screen and game over screen on the left, and their final versions on the right.

Title Screen Early Concept

Title Screen Final

Game Over Early Concept

Game Over Final
Here's a look at each of the play modes, which are unlocked by collecting stars.
Each play mode features slightly different mechanics, songs, and backgrounds.

Play Mode 1

Play Mode 3

Play Mode 2
BPM was one of 5 student games chosen from a pool of 60 to go to the UCSC Games Showcase 2019.
Looking back on BPM, it's a really fun game that's close to my heart, and that I'm glad I could be a part of. It was one of my first experiences working in a group to collaborate on a game, and I learned a lot about my ability to pick up new visual design skills outside of what I usually do.
I'm excited to keep trying new things!